About PADC

At a time when the stakes have never been higher, PADC is your opportunity to impact the political life of our community, our state and our nation. The Pasadena Arroyo Democratic Club was formed in 1990 to facilitate the role of ACT members within the Democratic Party. We are chartered by the Los Angeles County Democratic Committee and, with more than 300 members, we are the largest Democratic Club in the Pasadena area. Although PADC makes endorsements in both partisan and non-partisan races, only Democratic candidates are eligible for endorsement and support.
PADC Leadership

United Democratic Headquarters
Every two years (in presidential and gubernatorial election years) the Pasadena Arroyo Democratic Club joins forces with other clubs in the area to open a United Democratic Headquarters in Pasadena (UDH). This local Democratic tradition dates back nearly 80 years. Since 1990 the PADC has taken the lead role in opening, organizing, funding and staffing the UDH. In recent years the UDH has helped mobilize thousands of volunteers to engage hundreds of thousands of voters. It has become one of the mainstays of the Democratic Party’s campaign operation in Los Angeles County. In years like 2024, when many of the most important and competitive races are not local, the UDH also works to connect local volunteers with crucial races in other parts of California and in other states.

Judy Boggs Memorial Internships
As part of our ongoing support for the United Democratic Headquarters (UDH), ACT and PADC sponsor paid internships for local young people during each election cycle. Interns help staff the UDH while learning the nuts and bolts of organizing a grass-roots political campaign. Named for long-time ACT Executive Director, Judy Boggs, the internship program has helped train and develop many local political activists. Former interns have gone on to work for many Democratic leaders — and to run for state, local and party offices themselves.
If you are interested in being an intern, or would like to suggest a candidate, please email ACT/PADC at fred.register@charter.net. To help support the internships with a donation, please click here: DONATE

Our most recent presidential year team of Judy Boggs Interns: Mya Taylor, Maddie Pena and Sosse Krikorian.
Former Judy Boggs intern Mark Gonzalez — Mark went on to become Chair of the LA County Democratic Party, and to run for State Assembly.